So folks, it's been a while since the last post about our Appalachian Trail thru hike. Quite a while. It's hard to believe that two years has passed since we started our hike. Just yesterday we pulled out the journal I kept and we read about our first days on the trail. What a longing to return to the trail! I can't explain the mystical pull of the trail, but for those who have been called it's a constant yearning, begging to be fulfilled. I remember back to when met others on the trail who were on their second thru hike and wondering why they would choose to do the same trail again. I understand now. For now, we satisfy ourselves with day hikes and a few overnight trips (breaking out the old tent).
We returned to Colorado and re-joined the working world and the land of busy once again. A lot has happened since our return: Keith returned to work with Natural Grocers, I got a job with a fantastic new company, my oldest daughter moved back in (with three cats) and we bought a house. Although we have settled down a bit, we are talking about a lot of exciting prospects for the future and are planning on next hike/walk on the El Camino in May 2016. In preparation, I have embarked on a daily routine of learning to speak Spanish. That's a story for another day.
Our next camping hiking trip is coming up in June, where we will be joined by our best trail buddy Trouble and her fiance. It is a two-week road trip from Denver to the Grand Canyon and back through New Mexico, with plenty of stops along the way, My plan is to update the blog and post our daily stops.
In the meantime, I am about to embark on a 30 day lifestyle/diet plan called Whole30. I am going to use the blog to help keep me accountable, and will post daily updates about my progress.