Day 30! I made it! Not a single crystal of sugar, not a drop of alcohol, no grains, legumes, or dairy. Last week I traveled 3 out of 5 days and still made it work. I went to a Mexican restaurant with my co-workers on one of the nights and did not join the others in having a margarita or chips and salsa.
Was it difficult? Honestly, most of the time it was an easy plan to follow, although admittedly it requires a lot of planning and creativity, especially while traveling.
Was it worth it? Yes, I really think it's a fantastic plan for me. I am sleeping better than I have for years and I feel good. I never experienced the great burst of energy that was supposed to occur in the second half, but I am not experiencing that daily 3 pm drop in energy anymore. And...I lost almost 8 pounds.
What's next? I think I'll keep going. Not as faithfully or as strictly as the requirements during the 30 day phase, but for the most part - yup. I like my vegetable "rice" and vegetable "pasta". I'm not having any cravings. I'm not missing any of the forbidden foods. Yet.
Will I join in the Friday happy hour tomorrow at work? We shall see.
Well done!